Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things I Learned While Reading Fairy Tales

1. If you marry an unusually ugly person, or an animal that can speak, they are really a prince or princess under a curse. Love them with all your heart and say so. You may want to kiss them (and you should), but under no circumstances must you look at their uncursed form at night, nor attempt to break the curse yourself, no matter what your mother or sisters might tell you (they're just jealous anyway). If you do, you will have destroyed your every happiness three days or less before the curse was to end of its own accord.

2. Your step-mother is evil, and probably wants to kill you. Her hatred will not be satiated by you running away, and she will find you. She can probably do magic too, so if you see any strange woman coming, stay inside. Do not talk to her, or go outside, and for the love of God, don't eat anything she offers you.

3. Be nice to old people. Share your food with them if they ask, even if you don't have much to offer. Listen to the advice they give you, even if it sounds ridiculous. Be courteous and respectful at all times. Sell your cow to them for beans. If you don't something awful will happen to you.

4. Be nice to animals. Especially ones that can speak. Chances are, if it begs for its life, and promises you a reward or friendship, you will probably need it later on. On a related note, eleven lions tied together make a terrific raft. Also, listen when an animal tells you something; if a fox (or other furry beast) says it, it's probably important.

5. Terrible things come in threes. Giants, impossible tasks, plots against your life, all of them come in threes, one right after the other. Be careful not to assume that after the first or second that you are finished.

6. Help will always come at the last possible millisecond. Your brothers won't show up until your muderous husband is about to slaughter you. You won't learn the little man's name until the last day he is to appear. Your animal friend (see number four) will not help you until you absolutely need him to.

7. If a fairy or witch curses you, the curse will happen no matter what precautions you take. Even if you burn every last spinning wheel.

8. Being the youngest son or daughter rocks. If you are the youngest, you will end up with the happily ever after. Especially if everyone thinks you're stupid. You know better, don't you?

9. Even the poorest farmer's child can marry into the royal family. All it takes is beauty, charm, a talking cat, good manners, cleverness, luck, and/or heroic actions.

10. It isn't over until you get your Happily Ever After. No matter what life throws at you, your adventures will always eventually end up at a happy ending.

Friday, January 23, 2009

O.O erp?

I guess that I spaced. Sorry. I really will start posting again everyday. n.n

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy B-Day!

It's my best friend's birthday. I'm going to party. See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 3, 2008

random title

Haha! Made it today!

Okay, so, now that I'm done with the victory dance about my triumph over laziness, I think I'm going to write now. Only I don't know what to write about.

Well, I want to write fiction some day, so maybe I could write some fiction? Yeah...I could profile each of my RP Characters for you, if you don't mind. I've been needing to get more in touch with them anyway. (and it will help me make like a week's worth of posts)


Roger Gillespie[FFU]
Alfonso Quesada[FFU]
Morgan Pendragon[FFU]
Akhila al Serq[Sphere]
Morrigan Nephthys[Avaren]
Lethe and Mnemosyne Kaligaris[FFU]
Toby Treuleal[FFU]
Skullwhite Windgallop (aka: Ryder Munro)[FFU]

Tonight, It's going to be Roger Gillespie, because he's first on the list. I like Roger a lot; he's pretty screwed up.

Okay, so description. He's a fairly big guy. Maybe six foot four, and about two hundred fifty pounds. Which is funny, because as a kid, he was always shorter and skinnier than everyone else. He's Irish, so he was pale when I was young, but age and sunlight have tanned him. His skin is rough, and scarred in places. No really disfiguring scars or tattoos, but he is missing the little toe from his left foot. Since the age of twenty-two, He's had these 'episodes', where he loses his mind. Mostly, he goes out drinking, sometimes randomly curses people, and occasionally he'll kill someone while he's like that. Furthermore, these episodes cause him to not feel pain as acutely as he normally does, and turns him into something of a masochist. He remembers only faintly things that occur during these episodes.

Oh, yeah, he's on Firefox University [FFU], a Harry Potter-based RP.

Anyway, He's the son of a squib/whore and some unknown wizard. When he was born, his mother gave him up for adoption, since she didn't want the job of rasing a kid.

He was passed from one muggle foster family to the next. At first, he genuinely hoped that someone might accept him into their family, that someone would love him as their son. Eventually, he figured that no one would ever see him as more than a freak, so he began to systematically torture the families he was placed with. When he was ten, the family he was with had him committed to a mental institution. He stayed there six months, never spoke a word, never moved except to eat and use the bathroom. After six months, he used his saved up energy to break out. He'd heard one of the other men there babbling about magic, and he(the old man) inadvertently gave him(Roger) the address to the Leaky Cauldron in London. Once there, he washed dishes and bussed tables, and did anything else he could to earn his keep. He was thrilled to finally find a world in which he belonged. He worked hard, and when he was eleven he got his letter, and spent the next seven years at Hogwarts. He was sorted into Gryffindor, and it was truly the happiest time of his life. He studied hard, and got good grades (He wasn't the best student, but his effort showed). He had friends, was made prefect, and fit in. He even had a girlfriend.

When he graduated, he went into Auror training. He was twenty-two when it happened. He was scheduled to be shepherded on a routine call by a couple of old hands. No one thought anything would happen. Anyway, one spell or the other backfired, or hit him, no one involved really remembers what happened. Three months later, he woke up in St. Mungo's. The healers had tried their best, but the incident left him with sporadic 'episodes', for lack of a better term, where he sort of blacks out and act irrationally. The Ministry wanted him to stay in St. Mungo's indefinately, but Gillespie wouldn't have it. He was discharged, but he was no longer fit to be an Auror.

He got married to his girlfriend, and he worked at a shop for a while, and had a son, but during one of his episodes, he hit his wife, and she left with their child. He was so depressed after that, he quit his job. Eventually, he met up with Count Scorpius's Society of Shadows, and joined them out of nothing else, but bitterness for his ruined life, and an intense desire to belong somewhere. The Shadows moved from Britain to Spain, Gillespie along with them. When Count Scorpius fell, after the battle of Firefox, Roger went into hiding for a while, but was picked up by the Spanish officials during another of his episodes.

He spent quite a few months in prison, and he reacted about as well to that as he had to the mental institution and St. Mungo's. That is to say, he hated it. The dementor prison gaurds dragged up some of the unpleasant memories from his childhood that he'd tried to forget. This caused him to have worse, and more frequent episodes, until they moved the dementors away. He was on the same cell block with a number of other Shadows, all of whom, he found repulsive, as he was convinced they were leaking information to the Spanish Ministry. Also on his cell block was one Atra Alveus, French Shadow, and one of Scorpius's trusted lieutenants. There were even rumors that she and Scorpius might be more than just cohorts.

One crazy night, some Shadows who'd avoided capture joined up with the freshly patched up Scorpius, and they broke Gillespie, Atra, and the others out of jail. That night, he fell in love with Atra. However, after the jailbreak, they returned to the Secret Base, only to discover that it wasn't secret, but crawling with law enforcement. There was a brief confrontation and everyone was forced to scatter. Roger went into hiding for a few more months, until he decided one day that he was done with receiving orders; he wanted to give them. He poisoned the stone of the fountain in Drakborough, to terrorize the town, but was stopped by Julian Forbes, unofficial head of the Ministry, and Talon Windwaltz, headmaster of Firefox University.

Now, he's back in hiding, nursing his wounds, and hoping to run into Atra.

Next time, it'll be Alfonso!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Two days in a row! Heh.

Well, okay, they don't count, because Friday was Halloween, and I don't work holidays, and Saturday...I had...problems. Let's just leave it at that.

Halloween, normally my favorite offical holiday (they haven't recognized my birthday as one yet), was extraordinarily boring. Seriously, who has a dinner party on Halloween? My in-laws, that's who.

Halloween is about dressing up in costume. And they sucked all the fun out of the second best day of the year (see above comment regarding my birthday).  So, anyway, next year, I'm totally going to come up with an excuse to skip their dinner, which is apparently an annual thing.

The only salvagable part of the evening is when I played Fable 2, which is ridiculously win. The graphics are mind-blowing, and the story is gripping. I only got as far as Oakfield, but I can tell, it's awesome. 

Anyway, I guess I can make up for not dressing up on Friday when Oni-Con rolls around. Three days of costume-wearing glory! That reminds me, I have to pre-register tomorrow. I'm a little disappointed, because one of my heroes, Michael 'Mookie' Terracciano, won't be there this year as far as I can tell. They had to puch the con back, because they were using the convention center as a shelter after Ike, and when I checked the guest list last week, his name was gone. That totally sucks, because now I can't get a signed copy of Dominic Deegan, Volume 3. Besides which, his heroes and villains panel is always the best. 

Ah well, I never act normal around him. I always geek out, and end up walking past his table way too many times. I think I might've scared the poor guy last year.

It turns out that I get Fan-Girl Syndrome really bad. So, yeah, Vig Mignogna is still going to be there, so Imma get him to sign my totally awesome Anime triva book. I hope I don't geek out around him too. Does anyone know any tricks to defend against the dreaded Fandom Syndrome? You know, where you act like a total goon, just because someone who you admire for their work is in the vicinity. At this rate, I hope to God I never meet Steven Brust. If I met him, I might just be epically dorky.

Seriously, not only does the guy write the most awesome fantasy and sci-fi novels in the multiverse, but, from what I hear, he's actually a pretty cool guy IRL. And, he is my total hero. He's who I strive to emulate as a writer. Infact, I'm going to read Zelazny, just because Brust recommends him. I might even try to read Dumas's Three Musketeers although, I make no promises with that one. Wordy authors get to me. The only reason I ever finished any Dicken's novel other than Christmas Carol, was because I had to for school. I just don't get why they need so many words. Not that it's the length; is more the tediousness of reading it. Some parts are almost redundant. It's like they keep saying the same thing over and over. (Yes, that was done on purpose for comedic effect.)

Alright, to finish off this blog, I figured I'd list some of my personal heroes. I've already named a couple, but here's the list so far:

My Dad (Crazy old man. I've wanted to be just like him since I was a kid.)
Hubby (It sounds cliche, but he really did save my life.)
Steven Brust (Wow. There are no other words. Just, wow.)
Meg Cabbot (A good writer. I enjoyed Airhead immensely, and I can't wait for Being Nikki)
J.K. Rowling (A good story, and a goldmine. I hope to someday have so wide a fan base.)
Stephanie Meyer (Once again, a good, solid writer. And Mormon to boot.)
John Lennon (I fell in love with him when I was about twelve. I was devastated to find out he died before I was born.)
Mookie (He makes his living doing what he loves. And his storylines are brilliant.)
Johnny Depp (Such a good actor. All his characters are so real.)
Madam Chang (A female pirate. Awesome. Not to mention she was so good the Chinse government had to pay her to stop.)
Rivers Cuomo (Genius. And after seing Weezer in concert, I'm convinced he'd be awesome to hang out with.)
Seth Green (So funny, and another person I'm sure would be fun to hang with.)

And that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there's more.


Thursday, October 30, 2008



So, I totally remembered to do the second post!

Kay, so, I was thinking, Halloween might be my favortie holiday ever. For one whole night you can be whoever you want, and people give you candy to do it. I love costumes in general, which is why I love anime conventions (Cosplayers are so win it's ridiculous), but to get candy too? Talk about your win-win scenarios!

Even thought I'm twenty-two, and married, and no longer trick or treat, I still do dress up. First of all, not wearing a costume on Halloween is like not getting presents on Christmas: yes, it's still a special day, but it's not as fun. So, tomorrow, I'm wearing two different costumes.

They're having a costume contest at work, and I'm going as a witch. My other options were pirate, faerie and ninja, but in the end, I went with witch. I heard one of the maintenance guys saying he was going to be a pirate, my fairy wings don't fit in my back-pack (and I'm so not wearing them on the bus), and my ninja costume is really a Sheena from ToS cosplay for Oni-Con, and I want to be careful with it. Besides, it's pink and purple. Nobody's going to believe a pink and purple ninja. I have some other cosplay items, but I don't want the people at work to think I'm really that weird, and anyway, I work with kids. It's best to keep it simple.

Anyway, It's about time for bed. I have to get up early to morrow to put on my costume right.



I missed another day! Sorry!

I went to bed early yesterday, because I was really very tired. So, I'm going to apologize to you all today. By giving you two posts, of which this is the first. I promise not to rant like I did last time, okay?

By the way, I'm always interested to hear what people think of me and my writing. I think it's fun to get all the different perceptions. I have this internet friend, Tim, who's very interesting to get a perception from. The reason being that he is totally honest about what he thinks of you. He doesn't sugar coat it, and, for the most part, he doesn't intend to be hurtful. Of course, if you pester him about it, or are a really stupid/mean/annoying person, well, then...he does have a few haters.

The strange thing was, I used to be one of the haters. I used to really despise Tim, but now I find him...not as horrible? Almost sweet. I know, I know. If any of Tim's other friends saw this, they'd prolly laugh. "Tim? Sweet? WTF!?" And then their heads would esplode. Not explode, but esplode. There's a difference.

Anyway, I hope my next post will be better. See choo gaiz when I get home from work.
