Sunday, November 2, 2008


Two days in a row! Heh.

Well, okay, they don't count, because Friday was Halloween, and I don't work holidays, and Saturday...I had...problems. Let's just leave it at that.

Halloween, normally my favorite offical holiday (they haven't recognized my birthday as one yet), was extraordinarily boring. Seriously, who has a dinner party on Halloween? My in-laws, that's who.

Halloween is about dressing up in costume. And they sucked all the fun out of the second best day of the year (see above comment regarding my birthday).  So, anyway, next year, I'm totally going to come up with an excuse to skip their dinner, which is apparently an annual thing.

The only salvagable part of the evening is when I played Fable 2, which is ridiculously win. The graphics are mind-blowing, and the story is gripping. I only got as far as Oakfield, but I can tell, it's awesome. 

Anyway, I guess I can make up for not dressing up on Friday when Oni-Con rolls around. Three days of costume-wearing glory! That reminds me, I have to pre-register tomorrow. I'm a little disappointed, because one of my heroes, Michael 'Mookie' Terracciano, won't be there this year as far as I can tell. They had to puch the con back, because they were using the convention center as a shelter after Ike, and when I checked the guest list last week, his name was gone. That totally sucks, because now I can't get a signed copy of Dominic Deegan, Volume 3. Besides which, his heroes and villains panel is always the best. 

Ah well, I never act normal around him. I always geek out, and end up walking past his table way too many times. I think I might've scared the poor guy last year.

It turns out that I get Fan-Girl Syndrome really bad. So, yeah, Vig Mignogna is still going to be there, so Imma get him to sign my totally awesome Anime triva book. I hope I don't geek out around him too. Does anyone know any tricks to defend against the dreaded Fandom Syndrome? You know, where you act like a total goon, just because someone who you admire for their work is in the vicinity. At this rate, I hope to God I never meet Steven Brust. If I met him, I might just be epically dorky.

Seriously, not only does the guy write the most awesome fantasy and sci-fi novels in the multiverse, but, from what I hear, he's actually a pretty cool guy IRL. And, he is my total hero. He's who I strive to emulate as a writer. Infact, I'm going to read Zelazny, just because Brust recommends him. I might even try to read Dumas's Three Musketeers although, I make no promises with that one. Wordy authors get to me. The only reason I ever finished any Dicken's novel other than Christmas Carol, was because I had to for school. I just don't get why they need so many words. Not that it's the length; is more the tediousness of reading it. Some parts are almost redundant. It's like they keep saying the same thing over and over. (Yes, that was done on purpose for comedic effect.)

Alright, to finish off this blog, I figured I'd list some of my personal heroes. I've already named a couple, but here's the list so far:

My Dad (Crazy old man. I've wanted to be just like him since I was a kid.)
Hubby (It sounds cliche, but he really did save my life.)
Steven Brust (Wow. There are no other words. Just, wow.)
Meg Cabbot (A good writer. I enjoyed Airhead immensely, and I can't wait for Being Nikki)
J.K. Rowling (A good story, and a goldmine. I hope to someday have so wide a fan base.)
Stephanie Meyer (Once again, a good, solid writer. And Mormon to boot.)
John Lennon (I fell in love with him when I was about twelve. I was devastated to find out he died before I was born.)
Mookie (He makes his living doing what he loves. And his storylines are brilliant.)
Johnny Depp (Such a good actor. All his characters are so real.)
Madam Chang (A female pirate. Awesome. Not to mention she was so good the Chinse government had to pay her to stop.)
Rivers Cuomo (Genius. And after seing Weezer in concert, I'm convinced he'd be awesome to hang out with.)
Seth Green (So funny, and another person I'm sure would be fun to hang with.)

And that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there's more.


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